8.29 PM - memilih untuk nonton Arisan 2 di Flik . Tadinya mau nonton Lupus III: Topi-Topi Centil tapi begitu liat yang main Lupus-nya gak kece, jadi males. Hehe. Sudah berapa lama ya. Yang pertama muncul tahun 2003. Hmmm, udah 13 tahun yang lalu ya, waktu masih abg. Kaget dengan fiksi tapi fakta warga ibukota di umur segitu. Wow pokoknya.
hello. it's me again. this is my old blog. i actually have posted fifty-something posts, but i feel the need to start a new-yet-old blog post. that is why i still posted my first post but hide the rest of the published one. the concept is not fixed yet. but i do hope i could fill the blog with something new every month. for the next post, i think i will post something like a "Q & A" post. as if i've been interviewed. LOL. so, yes. do stay a little longer here. welcome to my strange and beautiful place.