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i miss you!

it has been a very, long, time, isn't it? i practically abandoned this blog for almost a year and now, i feel it's time to fill it again with, uhm, anything.. this is where i started to blog in the first place, well, shifting between here and my friendster blog. Yep! friendster blog. oh back in the days, back in the days.. what i'm up to nowadays? i recently quit my job and in my off-time before i enter my new job next week. in the mean time, i decided to enter a driving course but unfortunately these couple of days the course's car just got crushed by falling tree, then i got my time off doing... anything. :D well, this is it for now. hopefully will be back soon with lotsa stories to write here. Ciao!


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acak 9/12/2016

8.29 PM - memilih untuk nonton Arisan 2 di Flik .  Tadinya mau nonton Lupus III: Topi-Topi Centil tapi begitu liat yang main Lupus-nya gak kece, jadi males. Hehe. Sudah berapa lama ya. Yang pertama muncul tahun 2003. Hmmm, udah 13 tahun yang lalu ya, waktu masih abg. Kaget dengan fiksi tapi fakta warga ibukota di umur segitu. Wow pokoknya.